As part of the wider Beyond the Gaze participatory action research project into the working practices, safety and regulation of internet based sex work. The Beyond the Gaze team are carrying out an online survey of the customers of internet based sex workers in all sectors of internet enabled sex work (escorting, BDSM, webcamming, and other sectors) and all genders (male, female, transgender, none binary).
If you are a customer of escorts/sex workers who advertise on line or via apps, or if you purchase webcamming services, are a customer of a professional dominatrix or purchase services from people in other sectors of internet enable adult entertainment services. Please Help Us Out & contribute to an important study of internet based sex work.
If you work in any of the sectors of the sex industry/adult entertainment and utilize online platforms, apps etc to advertise or provide your services please spread the word in your networks and amongts your customers about the survey, if you feel that is appropriate. We really value the support the research is getting from sex workers!
The research project ‘Beyond the Gaze’ is the largest study to date of internet based sex work and is being carried out by an experienced team of researchers at Leicester and Strathclyde Universities, who have many years experience of carrying out research with people working in adult services/sex industry including their customers. It is a legitimate and important UK wide study which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is exploring the use of online and digital technologies in the sex industry. Go to our website to find out more about the research and the team who are carrying it out twitter: @BeyondtheGaze As part of this research we are seeking the views and experiences of customers through an online survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes. The survey is anonymous and no identifying information is requested. The survey does not collect any identifying information, it is completely anonymous, has permission from the University ethics committee and we work within strict ethical guidelines to protect the privacy and anonymity all people taking part in our research.
Please go to the survey at the following link;
The survey is open initially until 31st August 2016 (BTG team will then take stock reviewing how many people have taken part). We’d really value you input! Thanks for considering this and hopefully for taking part.
If you would like more information about the survey or the project please feel free to contact: Professor Teela Sanders on